Timboon Railway Shed Distillery är beläget i Timboon, Victoria, Australien.
Destilleriet grundades 2007 av Tim Marwood och Caroline Simmons. De drev det fram till april 2015, då det fick en ny ägare, Josh Walker. Josh får själv berätta vem han är, vad han har för bakgrund, samt delge oss sina förhoppningar och idéer. Intervjun är på engelska.
Timboon Railway Shed Distillery is located in Timboon, Victoria, Australia. The distillery was founded in 2007 by Tim Marwood and Caroline Simmons. They ran it until April 2015, when it got a new owner, Josh Walker. Josh himself will let us know who he is, what his background are, and share his hopes and ideas.
Hello, Josh. Can you please tell my readers who you are?
Thanks for having me, Johan. Yes, I'm a 28 year old Aussie distiller and I own the Timboon Railway Shed Distillery. I live in Mepunga, some 30 kms west on the coast with my partner Caitlin, a husky and 5 Alpaca's.! The Distillery is its self is very small, 600lt pot still, we produce around 2500lts of pure spirit a year and hope to grow that significantly, we age our whisky in small ex port barrels( mainly American oak ) but some French and we do an extensive char them.
Josh and Caitlin.
When and how did you get involved in the whisky industry?
The Timboon Railway Shed Distillery has been running for 9 years, I took over around 2 years ago. I have always had a love for whisky and in particular single malts. My partner and I travelled through bourbon country in America and leant a lot from some of small artisan distillers.
In your role, what do you enjoy the most?
Haha, im not sure this questions applies to me, because we are so small Ii do it all, apart from make the wash the comes in from our local brewery (Otway Estate). For some reason I love being in the bond store away from the distillery, filling barrels, checking progress of previous casks, just the smell of it as well relaxes you! (Also no phone range in the secured bond store).
I'm proud to be able to produce a product that people love and enjoy!
How would you describe the house-style of Timboon?
I think our style is a little unique, distilled in a Scottish style still, age in ex port cask's that are heavily charred, our whisky is full of fruit and can be quite sweet and finishes with a touch of smoke from the char. It doesn't have any peat so most people (even if they don't drink whisky) enjoy small dram.
What is it that make Timboon special in your opinion?
I think our char and where our distillery & bond store are situated. The charring is very heavy producing the smoking finish but very different to a peat smoke finish. Also our climate here in southern Victoria is unpredictable to say the least. We have extreme highs of 40 degrees in the summer and then down to lows of 9 degrees in the winter. These variances create extreme expansion and contraction in our barrels which expedites the ageing process allowing us to produce mature whisky in smaller times frames. It is amazing on some of those hot days you can see the whisky blowing small bubbles around the wooden bung.
Have you tried any swedish whisky? If so, what did you think of it?
No, I haven't. I'm in love with some of the Japanese whisky's at the moment!
Which three people would you invite for a tasting, and why? (alive or dead)
Bill Lark (Aussie Whisky pioneer), Barack Obama (Brutley Honest) and Richard Branson (one of my idol's).
Do you have any advice for my readers?
If I had any advice is to judge a whisky by how it tastes, not by how many years are on the bottle or how well the label looks. There is some great whisky out there!
Finally, anything you would like to add?
Thanks for your time and interest Johan, I wish your blog & readers all the best !
"Today's rain is tomorrows whisky"
The story about Tom Delaney
Disguise, capture and surrender. In the 1890’s, Tom Delaney, became the most notorious distiller in the Timboon district. Delaney was known to police, with records showing Delaney’s interest in whisky as far back as 1881. But whisky making flourished mainly between 1890 and 1893. At the peak of production, Tom Delaney is said to have made 100 gallons a week.
It was labelled "Mountain Dew" and they cheekily put the official Government stamp on it. The whisky was described by a local as "smooth as new milk", with other reports confirming it was of a high quality. The Government finally decided to stamp out the practice. The man chosen to round up the notorious Nirranda Distillers was Detective Inspector Christie, champion boxer, champion sculler of Victoria, and one time personal bodyguard of H.R.H. Prince Alfred.
Christie was a master of disguise and posing as a travelling tinker, he embarked on the task of catching Tom Delaney and his associate, Jim Love. The story continued with twists and turns, shots were fired, the distillers escaped, but not for long and soon enough, illicit whisky distilling in the area came to an end. Bottles of Mountain Dew still turned up for years to come, the reputation of the whisky increased and the story of the Nirranda Distillers became a proud part of local folklore.
At the Timboon Railway Shed Distillery, we have been inspired by the local history, to make Timboon famous once again for its high quality whisky, and this time all above board. Call in to "The Shed" and do some detective work of your own, investigate our whisky and spirits, cross examine our distiller and learn a bit more about the colourful history. (Source: Timboon Railway Shed Distillery homepage).
All pictures belongs to Timboon Railway Shed Distillery©
Thanks to Josh for his cooperation.